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major maps


Emphases: Climate Change & Landscape Dynamics. Hazards, Resilience, & Human Security. Population, Development, & Sustainability. Remote Sensing of the Environment.

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Getting Started

  • Meet with an academic advisor
  • Take GEOG 1000 - Earth Environments and Global Change, GEOG 1005 (Lab) - Earth Environments and Global Change, and GEOG 1400 - Human Geography
  • Take MATH 1050 and WRTG 2010

Making Progress

  • Explore minors, certificates, and dual majors
  • Learn to generate and read your Degree Audit Report
  • Consider which one of our emphases is the right fit for you
  • Take a field course
Take these courses:
  • GEOG 1180 - Introduction to Geo-Programming
  • GEOG 3100 - Intro to GIS & Cartography
  • GEOG 3020 - Geographical Analysis
  • GEOG 3270 - Biogeography: Global Patterns of Life
  • GEOG 3400 - Population Geography

Finishing Up

  • Take advanced technical courses
  • Take a geography seminar course
  • Apply for graduation
  • Complete your Bachelor's Degree requirements


Getting Started

Making Progress

Finishing Up

  • Explore and join a professional organization like AAG or GTU
  • Join Forever Utah
  • Network at the AAG or other professional conference

Knowledge & Skills

Getting Started

Making Progress

  • Explore geography certificates like GIS, Remote Sensing, Hazards and Emergency Management, and Climate Change
  • Conduct an independent study or research with a faculty member
  • Look for an internship; you can find opportunities on the Geography/GIS Canvas internship page, through the email listserv, or by working with the Internship Coordinator for CSBS

Finishing Up

  • Take a capstone course like GEOG 5161 or GEOG 5131
  • Organize your course projects into a portfolio
  • Complete an internship


Getting Started

Making Progress

  • Attend a social or cultural event you have never experienced before: e.g.sports event, museum, concert, play, etc.
  • Learn a language!
  • Volunteer on an Alternative Break with the Bennion Center
  • Travel to a place you've never been before
  • Spend a semester abroad through Learning Abroad

Finishing Up


Getting Started

  • Engage in a service opportunity with the Bennion Center and consider the Bennion Scholars program
  • Volunteer for local non-profits, museums, or mapping sites

Making Progress

  • Explore relevant societal problems by attending a speaker series or other presentations on campus
  • Give a presentation to a geography class at a local high school
  • Apply for a sustainability grant through SCIF
  • Consider joining the Lassonde+X entrepreneurship program

Finishing Up

  • Complete the "Where are you now?" survey
  • Present or publish research with a faculty member
  • Consider writing a thesis


Getting Started

Making Progress

Finishing Up

  • Practice interviewing at the CPDC
  • Refine your resume and application materials

Start Your Career Journey

Find support at the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC)

Visit cpdc


About the Major

Geography is a unique field that bridges the physical and social sciences; geographers study both natural earth systems and human societies, examining the interaction between the two. As a Geography student, you will learn to work with powerful technologies such as Geographic Information Science, digital Earth imagery (remote sensing), and spatial modeling. The University of Utah's Geography program will provide you with a collaborative, integrated approach to understanding complex 21st century challenges such as climate change, globalization, sustainability, urbanization, and living with hazards. You can also focus your studies and pursue an emphasis in up to two of the following areas:

*Climate Change & Landscape Dynamics
*Hazards, Resilience, & Human Security
*Population, Development, & Sustainability
*Remote Sensing of the Environment

Regardless of your emphasis, Geography has a long-standing field tradition that often involves travel to spectacular locations, some of which are in our own backyard. As a Geography student at the U, you'll have plenty of opportunities to get your boots muddy! Our program has a "No Student Left Inside‚" Initiative that encourages field work and labs where you will gain technical, real world experiences.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the scientific discovery process in the discipline of geography.
  • Understand at least one geographic subfield.
  • Ability to think spatially and conduct basic spatial analysis.
  • Ability to critically understand knowledge communicated in written and cartographic forms.

Plan & Prepare

At the U, we plan for our students to have an exceptional Educational Experience identified by four broad categories we call the Learning Framework: Community, Knowledge & Skills, Transformation, and Impact. This major map will help you envision, explore, design, and plan your personalized Exceptional Education Experience with the Learning Framework at the core. In addition to assisting you in planning your coursework and navigating the requirements of your major, this map will help you incorporate other kinds of experiences to expand your knowledge, support your development, and prepare you for the future you want.

Discover More.


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Last Updated: 7/19/24