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major maps

Metallurgical Engineering

Emphases: Biomedical Devices & Sensors, Chemical Processing, Energy Conversion & Storage, Mineral Particle Processing, Nuclear, Physical Metallurgy

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Learning Abroad


Getting Started

  • Meet with your academic advisor to create a first-year course plan
  • Take MET E 1630 & MSE 1800
  • Enroll in the appropriate math course for you (check with advisor)

Making Progress

  • Take MSE 2010
  • Continue with your allied science sequence (talk to advisor)
  • Study in the Student Epicenter (FASB 104) or the Breezeway (CME 3rd floor)
  • Complete required second year advising to discuss your emphasis and research areas
  • Contact your advisor to be assigned a faculty mentor
  • Take a Gen Ed. class that looks interesting (GEO 3030 is a great IR class!)
  • Begin taking upper-division Gen Eds including WRTG 3014
  • Explore internship opportunities

Finishing Up

  • Meet with your advisor to review your degree audit
  • Apply for graduation during your final fall semester


Getting Started

Making Progress

Finishing Up

Knowledge & Skills

Getting Started

  • Meet with a Career Coach in the CPDC
  • Interview or job shadow someone in your field of interest
  • Connect with an MSE professor to learn about their work & skills needed in their field

Making Progress

Finishing Up


Getting Started

Making Progress

Finishing Up

  • Participate in graduation events across campus (look our for advisor emails with details)
  • Attend the graduate seminar lectures series as a guest (presented weekly)


Getting Started

Making Progress

  • Participate in or create your own community service project with the Bennion Center
  • Organize study groups for you and your peers
  • Volunteer at the Edible Gardens on campus or find volunteer opportunities through your student group(s)
  • Attend the annual Gem, Mineral, and Fossil show, visit Wasatch Gem Society for more information

Finishing Up

  • Teach community members about your interests at the annual department banquet (watch for advisor emails)
  • Share your research in the department newsletter (contact advisor)


Getting Started

  • Start building your resume with a Career Coach
  • Activate and customize your Handshake account to find jobs, internships, and career events

Making Progress

  • Create a LinkedIn account
  • Consider internships through the Hinckley Institute and/or meet with a CPDC internship coordinator
  • Apply for research funding through UROP
  • Attend Career Expo in the fall and spring semesters
  • Conduct informational interviews with alumni or professionals in your field of interest
  • Talk to your professors about whether graduate school is needed for your future career

Finishing Up

  • Apply for jobs or graduate schools at least 6 months before graduation (see your advisor for details)
  • Meet with a Career Coach to practice interviews & salary negotiation

Start Your Career Journey

Find support at the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC)

Visit cpdc


About the Major

If you have a love for chemistry and physics, and would like an engineering degree, Metallurgical Engineering is the major for you. Metallurgical engineers specifically focus on minerals and metals and are engaged in the study, innovation, design, implementation, and improvement of processes that transform mineral resources and metals into useful products that improve the quality of our lives. Without metallurgical engineering, we would not have the components we need to build buildings, aircraft, trains, ships, or even mountain bikes. Metallurgical engineers also work to meet the mineral and metal product needs of our modern civilization in an environmentally responsible way by designing processes and products that minimize waste, maximize energy efficiency, increase performance, and facilitate recycling.

In addition to general sciences (chemistry, engineering, physics, and math), you will take coursework across three main areas of metallurgy: mineral processing, chemical metallurgy, and physical metallurgy, as well as elective topics including metallurgical thermodynamics, fluid flow, kinetics, and heat & mass transport. You can tailor your studies to best fit your strengths and interests by choosing from six emphasis areas: Biomedical Devices & Sensors, Chemical Processing, Energy Conversion & Storage, Mineral Particle Processing, Nuclear, or Physical Metallurgy. With opportunities to engage in undergraduate research and internship experiences, the Metallurgical Engineering program at the U provides you with the knowledge and skills to pursue a range of graduate programs and careers.

Learning Outcomes

  • Identify, formulate, and solve complex engineering problems by applying principles of engineering, science, and mathematics
  • Apply engineering design to produce solutions that meet specified needs with consideration of public health, safety, and welfare, as well as global, cultural, social, environmental, and economic factors
  • Recognize ethical and professional responsibilities in engineering situations and make informed judgments, which must consider the impact of engineering solutions in global, economic, environmental and societal contexts
  • Function effectively on a team: provide leadership, create a collaborative and inclusive environment, establish goals, plan tasks, and meet objectives
  • Develop and conduct appropriate experimentation, analyze and interpret data, and use engineering judgment to draw conclusions
  • Understand structures, properties, processing and performance relationships

Plan & Prepare

At the U, we plan for our students to have an exceptional Educational Experience identified by four broad categories we call the Learning Framework: Community, Knowledge & Skills, Transformation, and Impact. This major map will help you envision, explore, design, and plan your personalized Exceptional Education Experience with the Learning Framework at the core. In addition to assisting you in planning your coursework and navigating the requirements of your major, this map will help you incorporate other kinds of experiences to expand your knowledge, support your development, and prepare you for the future you want.

Discover More.


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Last Updated: 7/19/24