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major maps

Special Education

Emphases: Mild/Moderate Disabilities, Severe Disabilities, Visual Impairments, Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Early Childhood Special Education

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Office of
Undergraduate Research


Getting Started

Making Progress

  • Actively meet with your advisor (min. 2x/year)
In your 2nd year:
  • Apply to declare the major
  • Finish any GE and pre-major requirements
  • Confirm test/transfer credit are on your degree audit
  • Explore minors/certificates to enhance your degree
In your 3rd year:
  • Complete the Professional Teacher Education core
  • Explore student teaching placement options for next year
  • Check your degree audit as graduation nears

Finishing Up

  • Review your degree audit with your advisor
  • Take your professional licensing exams
  • Apply for graduation
  • Apply for your Utah Professional Teaching license


Getting Started

Making Progress

Finishing Up

  • Get involved with the Alumni Association and join Forever Utah
  • Look for leadership opportunities in your student group(s)
  • Consider applying to be a Bennion Scholar

Knowledge & Skills

Getting Started

Making Progress

Make the most of service learning experiences

Finishing Up

  • Explore grad programs/jobs that deepen knowledge and skills
  • Compile student teaching resources (lesson and behavior plans)
  • Present at the Education Research Symposium


Getting Started

  • Develop a Teaching Philosophy statement that reflects your values and beliefs about teaching and learning
  • Identify people who can support you in your educational & professional goals

Making Progress

Finishing Up

  • Create a portfolio of your student teaching artifacts that you can reference in job interviews
  • Participate in College/Dept. graduation events


Getting Started

Making Progress

  • Apply to volunteer & work opportunities in your field
  • Find mentors during your classroom and school based service-learning experiences
  • Meet with Dept. faculty to get inspiration or ideas for your own career
  • Complete an UROP project and/or work with one of the College of Ed.’s Research groups and centers
  • Attend the Education Research Symposium to check out other student research projects

Finishing Up

  • Share a project/research at the Education Research Symposium
  • Present an in-service topic in your student teaching placement
  • Join professional organizations in SP ED


Getting Started

  • Activate your Handshake account to find jobs, internships, and careers
  • Draft a resume representing your current skills & accomplishments
  • Explore resources in the CPDC

Making Progress

  • Regularly update your resume and Teaching Philosophy as you develop knowledge, skills, and experience
  • Attend career fairs hosted by local school districts
  • Apply for volunteer opportunities in your field
  • Look into student leadership roles that offer networking opportunities
  • Explore graduate programs for additional credentials
  • Meet with a Career Coach to refine resume and interview skills

Finishing Up

  • Present an in-service topic at your student teaching site
  • Apply for jobs in your field
  • Stay connected with COE and continue to check out UITE’s Teacher Resources

Start Your Career Journey

Find support at the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC)

Visit cpdc


About the Major

The Special Education (SP ED) major at the U is an interdisciplinary teacher preparation program that provides professional training for educating young children and students with disabilities. In the SP ED program you will develop the knowledge and skills to work toward improving the quality of life for people with disabilities and their families.

You can tailor your degree to suit your interests by selecting from one of five specialization areas—Mild/Moderate Disabilities (K-12); Severe Disabilities (K-12); Visual Impairments (K-12); Deaf and Hard of Hearing (K-12); Early Childhood Special Education (Birth-Age 5)—allowing you to focus on a specific area of disability and explore the strategies of teaching students within their learning environments from Preschool (Birth-Age 5) to grades K-12 and adults up to age 22.

The SP ED major includes a set of professional teacher education core courses that address topics such as early childhood education, secondary classroom education, assessment and instruction principles, language development, legal and policy foundations, reading methods, writing instruction, math instruction, and classroom technology integration. In your final year, you complete a set of specialization courses and a full year of student teaching. Upon graduation, you will be recommended for your Utah Professional Teaching License, which is transferable to other states.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand the central concepts, tools of inquiry, and structure of the discipline(s) you will teach and create learning experiences to make them meaningful to students. Design, adapt, and deliver instruction that address a students’ diverse learning strengths and needs.
  • Advocate for the learners, the school, the community, and the profession. Collaborate with essential partners to create a learning culture that promotes student growth and development.
  • Be a reflective practitioner who uses evidence to continually evaluate and adapt your practice to meet the needs of each learner. Seek new knowledge will lead to improvements in the education and lives of individuals with disabilities and their families.
  • Demonstrate the highest standard of legal and ethical conduct by adhering to and upholding laws, rules, policies, and directives.

Plan & Prepare

At the U, we plan for our students to have an exceptional Educational Experience identified by four broad categories we call the Learning Framework: Community, Knowledge & Skills, Transformation, and Impact. This major map will help you envision, explore, design, and plan your personalized Exceptional Education Experience with the Learning Framework at the core. In addition to assisting you in planning your coursework and navigating the requirements of your major, this map will help you incorporate other kinds of experiences to expand your knowledge, support your development, and prepare you for the future you want.

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Last Updated: 7/19/24