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Educational Psychology

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Office of
Undergraduate Research


Getting Started

In your 1st year, take
  • EDPS 1000: Intro to Ed Psych
  • EDPS 2600: Strategies for College Success
  • FCS 1500: Child & Adolescent Development
  • EDPS 2110: Learning & Development
  • Math & writing classes
Meet with program director or advisor for help enrolling in appropriate courses
    Get started on GEs & BA or BS requirements

      Making Progress

      • Use advising forms to track major requirements
      • Continue with major coursework & meet with program advisor for guidance on navigating course sequence
      • Finish GE requirements by the end of your third year
      • Explore possibilities for certificate programs or minor programs that may complement an Educational Psychology BA or BS degree (Positive Psychology is a great option)

      Finishing Up

      • Complete final required courses for the major
      • Enroll in capstone seminar & practicum courses
      • Take electives to meet credit hours needed for graduation
      • Review advising form & meet with advisor


      Getting Started

      • Attend the college's beginning of year social events & participate in Student Council activities
      • Take EDPS 2950 to learn about research assistantships
      • Find university clubs to join

      Making Progress

      Finishing Up

      • Connect with faculty from potential graduate programs
      • Apply for jobs in the behavioral health field
      • Get involved with the Alumni Association and Forever Utah

      Knowledge & Skills

      Getting Started

      Making Progress

      • Become a research assistant in one of the campus's research labs
      • Take courses that complement the Educational Psychology coursework
      • Check out programs & opportunities to engage in the Bennion Center
      • Update your resume consistently to reflect knowledge & skills developed in your major/applied courses
      • Consider requirements for the Registered Behavior Technician and/or BCaBA certifications

      Finishing Up

      • Request practicum opportunities that interest you
      • Explore applied opportunities for your capstone project
      • Look into graduate degree programs to take your studies to the next level


      Getting Started

      • Take EDPS 2600: Strategies for College Success to learn more about goal setting
      • Take advantage of faculty office hours
      • Meet with an OUR advisor to explore research options & grants

      Making Progress

      • Focus electives on your career/research interests
      • Pursue research opportunities & grants through the Office of Undergraduate Research
      • Apply to be a peer advisor or teaching assistant for hands-on experience
      • Attend conferences, lectures, & symposiums on a variety of topics
      • Take courses based in topics of diversity, social justice, & inequality
      • Attend graduate program info sessions

      Finishing Up

      • Reflect on knowledge and experience you gained in the program
      • Participate in commencement & convocation activities
      • Join an academic or professional organization in your field


      Getting Started

      • Meet with an advisor to identify interests & set goals for your academic career
      • Explore volunteer, research, and job options to find experiences that help you make progress toward your goals

      Making Progress

      • Pursue research, practicum, volunteer, & internship opportunities in your interest areas
      • Meet with an advisor or faculty member to discuss your academic/career goals & make adjustments as needed
      • Apply to go on an Alternative Break trip
      • Participate in a workshop or training in the Counseling Center or Center for Student Wellness
      • Develop a research project with a faculty member through UROP

      Finishing Up


      Getting Started

      • Activate your Handshake account
      • Make a career exploration appointment with a Career Coach in the CPDC
      • Conduct personal research on careers or fields that interest you

      Making Progress

      • Attend career events & workshops through the CPDC
      • Participate in career, internship, & graduate school fairs
      • Connect with individuals in careers that interest you & learn about their pathway
      • Draft your resume and/or CV
      • Strengthen your resume though experiential learning
      • Consider whether you will go on to grad school or enter the career field after graduation
      • Entrepreneur your major through Lassonde

      Finishing Up

      • Meet with a Career Coach for expert advice on your resume/CV & how to be a competitive applicant
      • Apply for graduate school
      • Connect with employers through Handshake

      Start Your Career Journey

      Find support at the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC)

      Visit cpdc


      About the Major

      Educational psychology is a branch of psychology that seeks to understand human growth, behavior, and learning from multiple perspectives. The Educational Psychology BA/BS program at the University of Utah provides you with hands-on training and expertise in behavioral and mental health—areas where services are greatly needed here in Utah and across the country. In this major, you will explore the field of educational psychology through foundational courses in human development, learning, social and emotional skills, and the psychology of multiculturalism. You also complete applied courses that help you develop skills in individual and group counseling, behavior change, consultation, collaboration, evidence-based decision making, and recognizing psychopathology and disabilities. In addition to your major classes, you can also complete coursework required for two professional certifications, Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst (BCaBA) and Registered Behavior Technician (RBT). The Educational Psychology program offers coursework and field experiences that lead directly to competitive, high demand employment opportunities in a variety of fields. Our program also serves as a pipeline for master’s and doctoral programs in school counseling, school psychology, counseling psychology, clinical mental health counseling, and clinical psychology.

      Learning Outcomes

      • Demonstrate basic and applied knowledge and comprehension in the field including major concepts, theoretical perspectives, historical trends, and empirical findings as they apply to human development, learning, motivation, affect, self-regulation, and behavior
      • Articulate the implications of evidence-based practice to the delivery of behavioral mental health interventions
      • Demonstrate the basic counseling and communication skills necessary to facilitate behavioral interventions (e.g., active listening, reflection, teaching, coaching, modeling, etc.); and transfer learning of behavioral mental health interventions to real-world cases
      • Understand professional and ethical behavior in the behavioral mental health profession; and recognize ethical, multicultural, and psychosocial issues related to conducting behavioral health interventions with real clients in the local community
      • Develop awareness, knowledge, and skills necessary to address issues of human diversity (defined broadly) and multiculturalism and advocate for the needs and issues of underrepresented and underserved populations
      • Access, understand, and critically evaluate relevant psychological and behavioral health research literature and apply your scientific knowledge of research to behavioral mental health interventions

      Plan & Prepare

      At the U, we plan for our students to have an exceptional Educational Experience identified by four broad categories we call the Learning Framework: Community, Knowledge & Skills, Transformation, and Impact. This major map will help you envision, explore, design, and plan your personalized Exceptional Education Experience with the Learning Framework at the core. In addition to assisting you in planning your coursework and navigating the requirements of your major, this map will help you incorporate other kinds of experiences to expand your knowledge, support your development, and prepare you for the future you want.

      Discover More.


      Theatre BA


      Special Education


      Last Updated: 7/19/24