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Political Science

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Learning Abroad




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Getting Started

Making Progress

  • Complete 3 POLS Introductory courses (POLS 2100, 2200, 2300, or 2700)
  • Consider an area of emphasis, second major, minor, or certificate
  • Check your progress towards graduation in DARS
  • Complete upper-division POLS courses based on personal interests & career goals
  • Explore for-credit Hinckley Internship courses or research opportunities
  • Meet with an advisor to stay on track

Finishing Up

  • Complete all required courses
  • Finish your internship, research project, or thesis if applicable
  • Meet with an advisor to stay on track
  • Apply for graduation


Getting Started

Making Progress

Finishing Up

Knowledge & Skills

Getting Started

Making Progress

  • Connect with faculty members to identify possible research opportunities
  • Take a related research methods course such as POLS 3001, 3005, or 5001
  • Explore double major or minor
  • Become a research assistant
  • Apply for research opportunities through UROP
  • Gain new skills by taking courses or workshops outside of your major

Finishing Up

  • Present or publish research
  • Attend an academic or professional conference
  • Take test prep courses for graduate school applications (GRE, GMAT, LSAT, etc.)


Getting Started

Making Progress

  • Take a for-credit Hinckley course such as HNKLY 3160, 3910, or 4914
  • Embark on a Learning Abroad experience
  • Utilize faculty office hours
  • Compete in Hinckley Talks through the Hinckley Institute
  • Attend the Learning Abroad Returnee Student Panel
  • Keep copies of the projects & assignments you are most proud of

Finishing Up


Getting Started

Making Progress

Finishing Up

  • Lead an Alternative Breaks trip
  • Write a thesis based on your community engaged learning, service, or internship experience
  • Become a mentor to other students


Getting Started

Making Progress

  • Attend CPDC events like Career Treks and Meet & Eats
  • Attend career fairs & expos
  • Create a resume & have it reviewed by a Career Coach
  • Establish relationships with faculty so they can efficiently serve as references in the future
  • Secure an internship or part-time job in an area of interest
  • Conduct informational interviews with faculty, staff, & alumni

Finishing Up

  • Refine your resume & application materials with the help of a Career Coach
  • Practice interviewing skills
  • Apply for jobs and/or graduate programs

Start Your Career Journey

Find support at the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC)

Visit cpdc


About the Major

Are you interested in understanding how laws and policies affect peoples' lives? Do you care about community engagement and social change? If so, then political science is a great fit for you! As a political science major, you will study a broad range of topics related to the world of politics. You can analyze different types of regimes and learn how people organize, administer, and seek to improve their governments. You can also customize your major by selecting from four emphasis areas: Community Involvement & Nonprofit Leadership, International Politics, Public Policy, and Law & Politics. You will gain the analytical, problem-solving, decision-making, research, and communication skills needed to find professional success in public, private, and nonprofit sectors. This major provides excellent preparation to pursue advanced studies in law, public policy and administration, and/or careers in business, government, law, media, education, or public service, among others.

Learning Outcomes

  • Understand political ideas, institutions, policies, and behaviors across the globe
  • Apply major concepts and theories to the study of politics
  • Identify, analyze, and assess information from a variety of sources and perspectives
  • Craft compelling arguments and present them verbally and in writing
  • Possess the research and communication skills necessary to understand and participate in the world of politics
  • Be prepared for entry-level positions in the public, private, and nonprofit sectors or to undertake graduate study

Plan & Prepare

At the U, we plan for our students to have an exceptional Educational Experience identified by four broad categories we call the Learning Framework: Community, Knowledge & Skills, Transformation, and Impact. This major map will help you envision, explore, design, and plan your personalized Exceptional Education Experience with the Learning Framework at the core. In addition to assisting you in planning your coursework and navigating the requirements of your major, this map will help you incorporate other kinds of experiences to expand your knowledge, support your development, and prepare you for the future you want.

Discover More.


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Last Updated: 7/19/24