Business Administration
Class Size
Getting Started
Your academic journey begins here:- Start taking pre-business courses such as BCOR 1010, 2020, and 2040
- Explore with Gen Ed courses
Making Progress
Dive deeper into business:- Take the upper-division business core to explore how it all fits together
- Pick one of our nine majors to focus your business education
- Finish up the core
- Stay on track with major requirements
- Enhance your Eccles degree with Gen Eds, a minor, or other coursework
Finishing Up
Bring it all together:- Take the final courses for your degree program
- Check your Degree Audit and meet with your academic advisor
Getting Started
Explore your new home:- Attend Eccles Welcome and PlazaFest
- Look into Scholars Programs and learning communities
- Participate in Eccles Inclusion Week activities
- Join a student organization
Making Progress
Spread your wings - how can you lead in your community?- Get involved with BLInc
- Attend leadership workshops and trainings, club meetings, and events
- Look into Beacon Scholars
- Apply for an Eccles student leader position
- Take on a leadership role in a student organization
- Consider running for office within ASUU
Finishing Up
Expand your community:- Volunteer in your local community
- Connect with the Eccles alumni network
- Seek out a leadership role with the Bennion Center
Knowledge & Skills
Getting Started
Learn what you need to know to get started:- Meet with your academic advisor regularly
- Visit the Business Tutoring Center
- Attend major exploration events
- Research scholarship and other financial support options
Making Progress
Expand your horizons and practice your skills:- Share your knowledge - become an Eccles tutor
- Take your education global with Eccles Global Learning Abroad
- Practice what you're learning with an internship
- Explore undergraduate research opportunities
- Go beyond the classroom - explore Student Investment Fund, AdThing, and Profiles of Leadership
- Participate in a case competition such as the Daniels Ethics Fund Competition
Finishing Up
Share your knowledge with the world:- Present or publish your research
- Write an honors thesis
- Use your experience with campus to guide others as a Student Success Outreach Ambassador
Getting Started
How will you grow?- Discover your why by exploring Lassonde, Bennion Center, and others
- Find a mentor by connecting with academic advising, faculty, and student leaders
Making Progress
Build towards your purpose:- Attend a Hinckley lecture
- Join an Eccles or student organization
- Attend a Lassonde meet-up
- Participate in Eccles diversity and inclusion programming
- Participate in SMART Start mentoring
- Transform through a deeply engaged learning experience like MUSE
Finishing Up
Celebrate your transformation:- Attend the BLInc Leadership Luncheon, Eccles Award Ceremony, and graduation events
- Share your growth - present research, plan a club event, or mentor a new student
Getting Started
How will you make an impact?- Take a Lassonde workshop
- Pick one event from the U calendar to attend each week
Making Progress
Use your skills to shape your community:- Apply to be a Sorenson Impact Fellow
- Join a team at Lassonde and enter a competition
- Combine classroom and global experience with a short-term Eccles Global course
- Participate in an alternative break experience
- Join a Legacy of Lowell Service Project
- Apply to be a Goff Scholar
- Share your voice at Business Student Council meetings
Getting Started
It's never too early for career prep:- Meet with your Career Coach
- Find your strengths with Clifton StrengthsFinder
- Draft a resume
- Create LinkedIn and Handshake profiles to start connecting
Making Progress
Take the next steps towards your career:- Network at U of U and Eccles career fairs
- Update your resume and cover letter
- Polish your interview skills
- Build on classroom experience with an internship
- Expand student organization involvement
- Use Business Career Services resources to research industries and companies
- Keep resumes and cover letters up to date
- Use your skills in leadership roles and internships
- Put it all together at the Career BASE Camp
Finishing Up
Plan your strategy with your career coach:- Tailor resume and cover letter for desired jobs
- Fine tune interviewing skills
- Apply for jobs on Handshake
- Attend grad school fairs
Start Your Career Journey
Find support at the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC)
About the Major
Learning Outcomes
- Develop a thorough understanding of the functional areas of business.
- Learn to apply foundational business knowledge through utilization of quantitative, analytical, and critical skills.
- Learn to write and speak clearly and to work within group settings to effectively accomplish personal and professional goals.
- Develop the capability to employ innovative and entrepreneurial mindset and skills as appropriate.
- Become an ethically and globally aware citizen.
Plan & Prepare
At the U, we plan for our students to have an exceptional Educational Experience identified by four broad categories we call the Learning Framework: Community, Knowledge & Skills, Transformation, and Impact. This major map will help you envision, explore, design, and plan your personalized Exceptional Education Experience with the Learning Framework at the core. In addition to assisting you in planning your coursework and navigating the requirements of your major, this map will help you incorporate other kinds of experiences to expand your knowledge, support your development, and prepare you for the future you want.