Emphases: Professional, Atmospheric & Environmental, Biology, Business, Chemical Engineering, Geology, Material Science & Engineering, Mathematics, Chemical Physics, Teaching
Arts Pass
Learning Abroad
Office of
Undergraduate Research
Getting Started
- Take CHEM 2000 – Undergraduate Seminar.
- Take one math and chemistry course each semester (consult with an advisor for placement).
- Supplement first year courses with general education (GE) courses.
Making Progress
- Continue math and chemistry courses.
- Begin physics sequence and courses tied to emphasis area.
- Evaluate and balance your course load.
- Continue GE courses through your 2nd and 3rd years, in order to help balance annual course-loads.
- Meet with an advisor at least once per semester to develop and adjust your academic plan.
Finishing Up
- Complete senior-level chemistry courses and advanced labs, emphasis requirements and GE courses.
- Take CHEM 4000 - Chem Mentorship
- Submit your Chemistry Exiting Prompts - (resume review, informational review, senior survey).
Getting Started
- Get to know your peers in the Chemistry Undergraduate Seminar (CHEM 2000)
- Join the American Chemical Society Student Chapter (ACSSC).
- Follow Chemistry and College of Science social media sites.
- Join student groups like Curie Club and OSTEM
Making Progress
- Attend professional development meetings with ACSSC and begin to lead your own demos and experiments at local schools.
- Go to research presentations in the Thatcher Building for Biological and Biophysical Chemistry to see what innovative science is happening all over the world!
- Apply to be a College of Science Ambassador or Orientation Leader.
Finishing Up
- Join the ACSSC executive committee to help plan events and develop new, exciting activities.
- Become a mentor in the chemistry undergraduate seminar.
Knowledge & Skills
Getting Started
- Explore tutoring resources through the Chemistry, Math, Physics, and Biology Departments or the Learning Center.
- Visit the Math Center.
Making Progress
- Consider research opportunities and internships through UROP and UCareer Success.
- Apply to work as a Teaching Assistant, Learning Assistant, and/or Stockroom Attendant to build scientific, technical and communication skills.
- Take organic and analytical labs to gain valuable lab skills for your future career.
Finishing Up
- Apply to graduate or professional school.
- Present research at URS and/or national/regional scientific conferences.
Getting Started
- Attend office hours to get to know your professors.
- Participate in an outreach event with ACS and experience the excitement of kids learning about science in the local Salt Lake City community.
Making Progress
- Take action – go on a Learning Abroad trip, reach out to professors to engage in research experiences, apply for internships, or get a job in the chemistry department.
- Attend a workshop through the Counseling Center to develop appropriate work-life balance.
- Create a time management plan with a Student Success Coach.
- Attend a wellness workshop or training through the Center for Student Wellness.
Finishing Up
- Reflect on your college experience as you complete your Chemistry Exiting Prompts - (resume review, informational review, senior survey).
- Share your research in appropriate venues, such as the URS and Undergraduate Research Journal.
Getting Started
- Shadow a professional in a career you would like to explore.
- Engage in service opportunities through the Bennion Center.
- Consider living in science student housing for your first year.
Making Progress
- Consider your future professional goals and plan to engage in activities that will help you achieve them.
- Engage with the University community by attending seminars in allied fields, and reach out to student groups in diverse areas that fit your personal interests.
Finishing Up
- Go on a Fall or Spring Alternative Break.
- Use your Arts Pass to attend events on campus or visit one of the museums in Salt Lake City.
Getting Started
- Meet with the Science Career Coach to start exploring career options.
- Start to network through platforms like Handshake, LinkedIn, Forever Utah, etc. and get familiar with various features while exploring ways to connect with other members.
- Attend the STEM Career Fair and talk to local employers about future positions.
- Talk to faculty and alumni to determine if graduate school is required for your future career.
Making Progress
- Meet with your Career Coach to learn job-search skills, resume & cover letter construction, interview practice, and Career Fair prep.
- Attend the STEM Career Fair in the fall and learn about upcoming available summer internships.
- Conduct a curiosity conversation with an Alum in a desired career path.
- Maintain connections with your networks by updating them on your progress and interests.
Finishing Up
- Update your resume/CV and cover letters with UCareer Sucess.
- Attend the STEM Career Fair and start applying for jobs.
- Update your networks about next steps, such as job searching or graduate school.
- Continue to refine your interview skills by practicing with your Career Coach.
Start Your Career Journey
Find support at the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC)
About the Major
Why Chemistry? Chemistry is the study of matter, what it is made of, how it changes, and how it can be turned into new substances. Given this large field of study, the U’s Chemistry program offers a wide range of emphasis areas and courses that allow you to tailor your degree to suit your interests, passions, and future pursuits! You can pursue a more traditional chemistry major with the professional chemistry program or customize your studies by pairing chemistry with Biology, Atmospheric & Environmental studies, Mathematics, Physics, Geology, Chemical Engineering, Business, Teaching, and/or Materials Sciences & Engineering. Regardless of your emphasis area, all chemistry degree programs provide you a strong foundation in the sciences, including math and physics and prepare you to explore careers within private industry, government or education; medicine, dentistry, pharmacy or other health-related fields; or working in areas such as environmental science and engineering, forensics, business and law. Utah’s chemistry program is known for its excellence both nationwide and worldwide. As a Chemistry major, you’ll have opportunities to engage in cutting edge research with our world-renowned faculty as well as opportunities to present research findings at local, regional, and national scientific meetings and potentially publish your results in well-respected scientific journals. The Chemistry Department also offers ways for you to connect with others in the chemical community through an active chemistry club, general and organic chemistry help rooms as well as job opportunities. Chemistry lies at the center of the scientific universe. Chemistry is fireworks and lasers in a scientist’s toy chest. Chemistry is the brain and the creation of new materials for battling cancer. Chemistry is the search for better, more efficient energy sources. Chemistry is central to our search for answers as we explore our world. So why not chemistry?
Learning Outcomes
- Gain a firm foundation in the fundamentals and application of current chemical and scientific theories including those in Analytical, Inorganic, Organic and Physical Chemistries.
- Appreciate the central role of chemistry in our society and use this as a basis for ethical behavior in issues facing chemists which include safe handling of chemicals, environmental concerns and important problems our society faces in energy, health and medicine.
- Understand chemistry is an integral activity for addressing social, economic, and environmental problems.
- Design and carry out scientific experiments and accurately record and analyze the results of such experiments.
- Become skilled in problem solving, critical thinking and analytical reasoning as applied to scientific problems. Clearly communicate the results of scientific work in oral, written and electronic formats to both scientists and the public at large.
Plan & Prepare
At the U, we plan for our students to have an exceptional Educational Experience identified by four broad categories we call the Learning Framework: Community, Knowledge & Skills, Transformation, and Impact. This major map will help you envision, explore, design, and plan your personalized Exceptional Education Experience with the Learning Framework at the core. In addition to assisting you in planning your coursework and navigating the requirements of your major, this map will help you incorporate other kinds of experiences to expand your knowledge, support your development, and prepare you for the future you want.