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Office of
Undergraduate Research




Class Size


Getting Started

  • Meet with an advisor
  • Take HIST 1700 - American Civilization (AI)
  • Take three lower-division HIST electives to explore breadth in the discipline
  • Begin language coursework to fulfill the B.A. language requirement

Making Progress

  • Take six upper-division HIST electives and use two to fulfill the DV & IR Gen Ed designations
  • Consider a regional, thematic, or pre-professional guided pathway to align your history courses with your interests & goals
  • Continue language coursework
  • Take CLAC courses to explore history in a target language
  • Meet with an advisor to track progress & develop a plan to completion
  • Take HIST 3100 - The Historian's Craft
  • Take upper-division courses that have a research component
  • Earn credit through an internship, study abroad, or Community-Engaged Learning
  • Consider a second major, minor, or certificates

Finishing Up


Getting Started

Making Progress

Finishing Up

Knowledge & Skills

Getting Started

Making Progress

  • Research minors & certificates in other disciplines
  • Complete Gen Ed Designation courses
  • Gain practical experience through UROP, an internship, or study abroad
  • Take HIST 3100 - Historical Methods
  • Take courses that teach specific skills such as: Careers in Public History, Teaching History, American History and Its Publics, and/or Internship in Public History
  • Attend an Office of Undergraduate Research workshop

Finishing Up


Getting Started

Making Progress

Finishing Up

  • Celebrate your accomplishments; attend graduation ceremony and events
  • Complete the Bennion Scholars capstone


Getting Started

Making Progress

Finishing Up


Getting Started

  • Meet with a Career Coach to explore strengths & interests
  • Attend events at the CPDC like Meet & Eats & Career Treks
  • Activate & customize your Handshake account

Making Progress

  • Explore career possibilities through Hinckley Internships
  • Secure an internship or part-time job in an area of interest
  • Job shadow or interview a professional working in an area of interest
  • Engage in volunteer work through the Bennion Center or go on an Alternative Spring/Fall break
  • Embark on a learning abroad experience
  • Start building a resume
  • Set up a LinkedIn profile

Finishing Up

Start Your Career Journey

Find support at the Career and Professional Development Center (CPDC)

Visit cpdc


About the Major

History is the combined experience of humanity. The study of history helps develop the intellectual and entrepreneurial tools needed to thrive in a world that is highly specialized and globally interconnected. As a History major at the U, you will have the flexibility to tailor your studies to align with personal interests, new passions, and future goals.

The History Department at the University of Utah offers Bachelor of Arts degrees in both History and History Teaching, the latter being tailored to students pursuing careers as secondary education teachers. With a variety of different classes, you have the opportunity to discover what interests you and develop a personalized area of concentration around a topic, theme, or period. Possible concentrations include Asian History, Environmental History, Gender and Sexuality, the American West, European History, and many more. You can further supplement your history learning experience with internship opportunities, interdisciplinary programs, and research centers across campus. We also have annual events like the Practicing History Student Symposium in which students develop original research, hone their oral communication skills, and develop community within the department.

No matter your career goals, the study of history will assist in broadening important skill sets like writing, critical thinking, and establishing perspective. These universal skills apply far beyond careers directly in history; the options are endless for those who learn from the past and use that knowledge to shape the future.

Learning Outcomes

  • Evaluate debates among historians by identifying the ways in which questions about race, gender, class, ethnicity, region, religion, and other factors influence the historical narratives we write.
  • Explain how political ideologies, economic structures, social organizations, culture, and/ or environments influence the ways historical subjects have lived, acted, and/or thought throughout particular periods and places.
  • Effectively identify, critically analyze, and assess information and interpretations drawn from a range of sources and perspectives.
  • Construct and support a historical argument with evidence from a variety of primary and secondary sources.
  • Formulate historical questions and articulate a viable research project using historical methodologies.

Plan & Prepare

At the U, we plan for our students to have an exceptional Educational Experience identified by four broad categories we call the Learning Framework: Community, Knowledge & Skills, Transformation, and Impact. This major map will help you envision, explore, design, and plan your personalized Exceptional Education Experience with the Learning Framework at the core. In addition to assisting you in planning your coursework and navigating the requirements of your major, this map will help you incorporate other kinds of experiences to expand your knowledge, support your development, and prepare you for the future you want.

Discover More.




Atmospheric Sciences


Asian Studies
Last Updated: 7/19/24